United Nations Human Rights Council Condemned Atrocities in Syria

UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré

Geneva, July 06 2012
The United Nations Human Rights Council condemned “the widespread, systematic and gross violations of human rights, acts of violence, ongoing atrocities and indiscriminate targeting of civilians by the Syrian authorities.”    The resolution passed by 41 votes for, 3 against and 3 abstentions.

Attempts by Russia to introduce an amendment to the resolution adding the condemnation of all acts of terrorism, was defeated. The Russian amendment received support from Cuba and China.

The resolution condemning Syria was presented jointly by the ambassadors of Turkey and the United States, and was supported by 55 other governments, acting as co-sponsors.   “The Assad regime is waging a brutal campaign of violence against the Syrian people,” said the US Ambassador, “characterized by aerial bombardment, mass killings, summary executions, torture, including rape, and other atrocities.”  She called for accountability for these violations against the Syrian people.

Speaking from the floor to a packed Council, Ambassador Donahoe of the United States gave a message to members of the Syrian armed forces, calling for them to fulfill their responsibility to end the repression, and not allow President Assad to “abuse your national loyalty”.

Ms Donahoe said that the actions of the Syrian government were contrary to the principles and values of the Human Rights Council, adding that “no state that engages in such actions should serve on this Council”.

The resolution called for unfettered access for the members of the Commission of Inquiry, established by the Human Rights Council at a previous session, and looked forward to the results of this Inquiry at the next Council session in September

Speaking on behalf of the Russian Federation, Vassiliy Nebenzia said that this resolution condemning only the Syrian government not the opposition forces, undermined the agreement reached by the high-level Action Group for Syria on 30 June, and said that the adoption of the resolution would “create obstacles for the political process in Syria.”  He said that the Action Group communiqué had been welcomed in Damascus but that this resolution, which he called “one-sided”, represented implicit revisions.

This, the 20th session of the Council, ends in Geneva today.

Source: UN TV.


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