Foreign Secretary William Hague marks 10th Anniversary of the International Criminal Court

Credit: Luiz Rampelotto/ Europa Newswire

The Hagu, July 09 2012

William Hague, Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom:

“The rule of law is critical to the preservation of the rights of individuals and the protection of the interests of all states”.

“It is the common thread binding many of the pressing issues we face, from building peace, widening democracy, and expanding free trade, to confronting terrorism while upholding the law and respecting human rights.

“We have learnt from history that you cannot have lasting peace without justice, accountability and reconciliation”.

“The Arab Spring has shattered the idea that nations can maintain long-term stability and prosperity without human rights, political participation and economic freedom for their citizens”.

“And international laws and agreements are the only durable framework to address problems without borders, from protecting our oceans to tackling terrorism and cyber crime.”

“That is why the UK attaches such importance to securing a Global Arms Trade Treaty this month that is robust and legally binding; that covers all types of conventional weapons including small arms, light weapons and all types of munitions, and that contains strong provisions on human rights, humanitarian law and sustainable development.”

Source: UK Mission to the UN


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