Tag Archives: Secretariat Building

FUNCA Asks a Question: Double Standards Much?

FUNCA Asks a Question: Represented by a FUNCA founder The New York Times has an office inside of UN Headquarters. But its door has been closed, without opening, for months. A thick pile of fliers, months old, clogs the doorway. … Continue reading

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FUNCA Stands For Freedom, & a Multi-Party System

The Free UN Coalition for Access is about Freedom of the press for all United Nations Freedom of Information Non-involvement in and during UNConstitutional elections* Censorship not accepted, from anyone Accountability of public officials to answer questions  Is the loss … Continue reading

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UN Secretariat Building Renovations Photos

EXCLUSIVE – United Nations – New York – June 28 2012 – Tour of the renovated lobby in the Secretariat Building where the first UN staff members are scheduled to move back in on Monday 9 July.

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